When choosing the best option for indoor heating, an enduring debate haunts homeowners’ decisions. The classic furnace versus heat pump debate looms over homeowners trying to make the right choice for their homes, and for good reasons. Each system has unique benefits and setbacks that homeowners must weigh before choosing. While both options keep a house warm during the colder months of the year, each has its own distinct perks.
Furnaces and heat pumps offer homeowners different comfort levels, heating capabilities, and energy efficiency. Knowing the difference between these two common heating options can help set you up for success when it comes to your home’s comfort. Below, your neighborhood experts at Precision Air break down the basic facts about furnaces and heat pumps that every homeowner needs to know.
What is a Furnace?
A furnace is a heating unit that’s come a long way since its beginnings. Furnaces generate their heat from a specific source, transferring it throughout a space via a heat exchanger. Furnaces used to be powered by wood and coal, but nowadays, they work on gas or electricity. Both options provide just about the same results, but one may be a better fit depending on where you live.
Gas Furnaces
Furnaces powered by gas are reliable sources of heat. They are the most popular choice for furnaces, since they are energy efficient, reliable, and have a long life span.
Electric Furnaces
An electric furnace works similarly to a gas furnace but uses an electrical unit to produce heat. If you live in an area without natural gas access, an electric furnace may be perfect for you.
What is a Heat Pump?
While the standard HVAC setup is typically comprised of a central air conditioning system and a furnace, a heat pump is a system that stands out. A heat pump is a convenient system that can reverse refrigerant directions, which means you can get both heating and cooling functions from the same unit. Heat pumps work by scavenging for heat sources outside.
Furnaces vs. Heat Pumps
When considering a furnace or a heat pump for your home, many factors should weigh on your decision. From your home’s specific needs to your budget, here’s what you should consider:
The space you have available on your property can influence which heating unit is best for you. Furnaces are usually installed indoors and require clearance on all sides. Meanwhile, heat pumps require slightly less space and can be installed outdoors. Our professionals can help guide you through installation and spatial needs.
With proper maintenance, your heat pumps and furnaces will withstand the test of time. Both systems require a foolproof maintenance schedule to ensure unit longevity. Our team of expert technicians will ensure we maintain your unit performing in top shape and pair you up with the best unit for your needs.
When it comes to heating unit replacement and installation, place your trust in Precision Air. Precision Air has a team of HVAC contractors ready to help your geothermal system remain reliable throughout the year. From geothermal service and installation to other HVAC concerns, we’re the trusted choice in Middle Tennessee. Contact us today for all your HVAC needs in Murfreesboro, Nashville, and surrounding areas.