Maintenance and repairs for AC units require expert care. As a homeowner, there just isn’t much you can do to address repairs or fix problems. An HVAC system is very delicate and requires service from a certified expert who knows exactly what they’re doing. While you can’t fix repairs, you can take steps you can take to improve efficiency in your AC unit and potentially prevent costly repairs.
If you think you need service for your air conditioning in Nashville, TN, our team can help. Or maybe your AC unit is working just fine and you want to boost efficiency. We can help either way! Just use the tips below to maximize your AC unit, extend its lifespan, and reduce your energy use.
Choose the Right Thermostat Temperature
You may love to be outside doing summer activities, but when you’re inside you want to feel cool and comfortable. The thought of increasing your indoor temperature by even a few degrees may seem unbearable, but it can really make a difference.
Air conditioners are designed to only cool your home to 20° cooler than the outside temperature. For example, you may set your thermostat to 71°F when it is 91° outside. And that is the lowest it can go–but you may not want it that cold.
The cooler you want your home, the more strain there is on your AC unit. Increasing your thermostat temperature by just a few degrees can alleviate that strain and reduce your energy bill.
Use Your Fans
Ceiling fans are a great way to boost your AC’s efficiency and trick your mind into feeling cooler. Airflow can help you feel like the temperature is cooler even when it’s not. So turn down your thermostat and turn up your fans. Ceiling fans work by circulating cool air around the room and creating an indoor breeze. If you don’t have ceiling fans, try using plug-in fans because they work similarly.
And remember, you don’t have to set your thermostat to a higher temperature all of the time. Consider setting the temperature higher while you’re gone and lowering it a few degrees when you get home. When you are home, use fans to stay cool and maintain a slightly higher temperature than you’d usually use. After a month, you’ll see a difference in your energy bill.
Change Your Air Filter Regularly
Each type of air filter has a use time. Some last for a month, others for two or three months. Ideally, you need to change the filter at or before that time. But what happens if you don’t change it on time? Well, it reaches its capacity as the filter gets clogged with dirt and contaminants. Then dirt and contaminants begin to circulate through your unit and through the air. By changing your filter regularly, you alleviate the load on your unit while also improving your air quality.
Comfort is a must, call the experts you trust. Contact Precision Air, Inc today for your HVAC and indoor air quality needs.