We’ve reached the height of winter. We know it’s cold out there. You layer up every time you leave the house and we’re sure that you have your heater roaring most evenings. If your heater is doing all it can and you’re still not warm enough, then it’s time to consider different ways to get warm. One of the best ways to do this is through your home’s indoor air quality.
When it’s winter and homeowners are having complaints about their comfort, we like to suggest humidifiers in Nashville, TN. This is because your home’s humidity balance really plays a major factor in your comfort. Most people don’t even realize all that it does. We’ll get into it below.
Your Home and Your Humidity Balance
Let’s start off by discussing your home and your humidity balance. Your home’s humidity should balance anywhere between 30% and 50%. This is where you’re going to experience the most comfort. You should consider a humidifier when your relative humidity at home dips below 30%. When your humidity dips below this, you might notice that your home feels dry and even a bit cooler. This is because humidity acts as an insulant. You feel warmer when there’s the right level of humidity in the air. Think about how hot you feel on a warm summer day when it’s humid out. The same logic applies even when it’s cool and even when it’s in your home. This is why a lack of humidity can become a real detriment to your comfort in winter weather.
The Benefits of a Humidifier
So how does a humidifier help you? Here are a few ways:
- Warmth: As we mentioned above, humidifiers make you feel warmer by balancing the humidity level in your home. This means you can feel warmer with more ease, rely on your heater a little less, and even save yourself a considerable amount of money.
- Improved IAQ: Of course, a humidifier improves your home’s indoor air quality. Balancing your humidity can lead to a more comfortable home and health benefits that we’ll get into below.
- Better Health: Do you want to breathe easier at home, cough less, and reduce the feeling of those allergy symptoms? A humidifier is the right system to adopt then.
Professional Service Is Always Key
If you only walk away from this blog retaining one piece of information, we want it to be this–your HVAC services should always be performed by a professional. This is because professional service is what certifies that you’re getting the right work the very first time. Sometimes trial and error are necessary, but your HVAC services aren’t an arena where this should be relevant. You should be able to invest in the right care the first time. Our team is a team you can trust because we have all the right experience, licensure, and certifications. You can rely on us and rest easy because we’re qualified.
Contact Precision Air, Inc when you want humidification services. Comfort is a must, call the experts you trust.