Spring is officially here, and Earth Day is around the corner.
What are you doing to get in the spirit?
We know that when you typically think of “spring cleaning,” you’re think of things like deep cleaning your kitchen, scrubbing your grout, and making your hardwood flooring sparkle. Spring cleaning can be a little more abstract than this. Spring cleaning can look like you reassessing your air conditioning in Nashville, TN and making them eco-friendly. If you want to get in the eco-friendly spirit of Earth Day, we recommend a geothermal system.
We recommend geothermal systems. They perform just like the
air conditioners that you’re used to. They also heat, cost you a lot less, and
reduce your carbon footprint. There are a lot of wins with one of these
systems. We’ll get into them below…
The Benefits of Geothermal
We all want to reduce the strain on the earth where we can. A
geothermal system is the perfect unit to do this. Here are a few benefits:
Geothermal systems are heat pump systems. They’re different
than standard heat pump systems because they use the temperature a few feet
below the earth to balance your home’s temperature rather than the air.
This is an ecofriendly approach because it doesn’t use any
carbon monoxide or greenhouse gases. This means that your carbon footprint
decreases when you have this unit at home.
Saving on energy output means that you’re going to save on
your energy cost as well. We won’t beat around the bush—geothermal systems are
more expensive to install than other systems. You save the money you spend on
the initial installation throughout its lifetime. Geothermal systems have such
a great efficiency rating because they draw their heat source from the ground.
Long Lifespan
Geothermal systems are outliers in the HVAC realm in more
ways than one. One of the most notable ways that it’s different is the long
lifespan. The average air conditioner or heater is only going to last you
around 10-15 years. Geothermal systems are so great because they last around
20-25 years. The money that you save having an effective system in your home
for this long is unparalleled. Geothermal systems are an investment, but they’re
It Helps You Too!
Did you know that geothermal systems can actually save you
money even outside of the efficiency savings?
That’s right! The federal government offers a 26% federal
tax credit for homeowners with geothermal systems. This means that you can
claim 26% of the amount you spent purchasing and installing your geothermal
system on your federal income taxes. The 26% credit will only last through 2022
and decrease to 22% in 2023.
If you’d like to get your geothermal system up and running before
the end of 2022, our adept professionals are here to help. We understand the
construction that goes into a geothermal system, how to assess the needs of
your home, and how to provide you with the best service.