Take a moment to run through these questions and note your
- How long has it been since you last updated your
thermostat? - Can you rely on your thermostat to heat and cool
your home? - Is your thermostat a dial or slide thermostat?
If your answers to these questions sound a little like: “10 plus years,” “it’s a little unreliable,” and “yes, I still have a slide or dial thermostat,” then it’s time for you to schedule an appointment with us. Your thermostat isn’t up to the task of heating or cooling your home. It might not seem this way on the surface, but trust us when we say that you’re not getting the service you need. Call us for Wi-Fi and smart thermostat service in Nashville, TN. We’ll make sure that you get what you need.
Signs That You Need a New Thermostat
If you’re reading this blog, then chances are you’re a little unsure if it’s time to pull the trigger on that thermostat replacement. We’re here to spread the wealth when it comes to industry knowledge. That’s why we’ve rounded up all the top signs of a thermostat repair necessity and listed them below for you. Call us if you’re experiencing any of the following:
- You’ve had your thermostat for 10 years or
longer - Your thermostat has a delayed response
- Your thermostat doesn’t respond at all
- Your thermostat displays a temperature that’s incredibly
off base from the temperature in your home - You still have a dial or slide thermostat at
You probably recognize a few of these signs from our
introduction, but we’ve reiterated them here because we understand how
important they are. Schedule an appointment with us when you start to notice
these problems in your home.
Should I Go with a Wi-Fi or Smart Thermostat System?
The thing that we notice about homeowners is that they confuse Wi-Fi and smart thermostats. Wi-Fi thermostats are exactly that—Wi-Fi-based systems. You can control this system on your phone, tablet, or computer from any place in the world. This means that you can turn on your heating or cooling system before you arrive home and open the door to your house that’s already at the perfect temperature. No more sitting in discomfort while you wait for your system to kick on!
A smart thermostat is like a Wi-Fi thermostat, but it takes
the process a step farther. With a smart thermostat, you can have all the convenience
of a Wi-Fi thermostat system with the added ability of this system “learning”
how you like to temperature control your space. Your smart thermostat system
can even start to auto-adjust your settings to your preferred temperature or
suggest energy-efficient practices if you allow this.
If you’re unsure of what you want to choose, make sure that
you schedule an appointment with us. We’re going to make sure that you have the
best smart and Wi-Fi system services.
Call Precision Air, Inc today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. Comfort is a must, call the experts you trust.